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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Tough Times: an interview with a local kitchen manager

Is the economy affecting local restaurants?  You bet.  I had an opportunity to speak with Alex Pierce, the kitchen manager and head chef of Natty Greene's Brewery to get an idea of how local restaurants are coping with the situation.

Gate City Foodie (GCF): How's business?
Alex Pierce (AP): Slower than normal, but were are expecting to pick up for the holidays. 

GCF: The holidays help with business?
AP: Yeah, people are running around all day, after work they do a little shopping or run errands, so, you know, the last thing they want to do is cook when they get home.  Also having good beer helps too, people tend to drink more around the holidays.

GCF: That makes sense, What changes have you made to deal with the current economic climate?
AP: We have made a lot of small changes that, over time, save us a lot of money.  We have updated our food cost management system to ensure that food we buy gets served fresh and fast.  This minimizes storage and waste.  We have also eliminated two or three menu items that were not selling very well, that has saved us a ton of space in our cooler not to mention less inventory. 

GCF: Are you optimistic for the situation to turn around?
AP: I am, history has taught us that most everything is cyclical, especially the economy.  And to be honest, people really love to eat out.  They may do it less frequently, but our head is still above water.  In this business the ability to adapt is what keeps you in business.  You can't simply wait for things to change, you have to change with them. 

Next time you are dining out, I ask that you consider a locally owned restaurant.



1 comment:

  1. Where is this place located? Why do people drink more during the holidays?
